Assist Personal Activities High

Assist Personal Activities High in Perth

Living Hope is one of the most acclaimed NDIS service providers in Perth to offer support to participants and assist them manage their day to day activities. We have in our team the best support workers to help participants live as independently as possible. Our support workers providing these personal assistance services are highly trained to meet the complex bespoke requirements and are the best to help these participants lead the life of their choice independently.

What is Assist Personal Activities High?

It refers to the support and care that is provided to the participants needing a high level of assistance to lead their daily life. These activities may include assistance with tasks like bathing and showering, grooming, toileting and eating.

This support is provided at participants’ homes as well as in shared living setups. Also, our support may include assistance with engagement in social, academic, recreational or employment activities.

When does a participant need a higher level of assistance with personal activities?
A higher level of assistance with personal activities is needed as and when:
  • The participant needs active support due to higher medical requirements, which may include respiratory support or tracheostomy.
  • When the participant shows challenging behaviour that needs the intervention of a frequent intensive positive approach for appropriate management.
What does our Assist Personal Activities high in Perth Include?
At Living Hope, our assistance with personal activities high in Perth would include but not limited to:
  • Complex Bowel Care
  • Enteral (Naso-Gastric Tube – Duodenum, Jejunum) Feeding and Management
  • Tracheostomy Management
  • ManagementUrinary Catheters that may include In-dwelling Urinary Catheters, In-out Catheters, and Suprapubic Catheter)
  • Administration of Subcutaneous Injections
  • Complex Wound Management
  • Other miscellaneous high-intensity supports
Call us for a better living
What makes your wait then, if you are looking forward to receiving high-intensity personal assistance services from specialists? Call us to fix an appointment with our experts. Or you can write us to know about us and our deliverables.

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