Assist Life Stage, Transition

Custom NDIS Assistance with Life Stage, Transition in Perth

As individuals grow up, they move from one state of life to the other. They move from their school days to high colleges and universities, they enter professional life from their academic life, and as they get old, they retire from their occupations. Now, none of these transitions is easy, and things become all the more difficult for those who are living with impairments. This is where professional NDIS assistance comes into play.

Now if you are an individual living in Perth and looking forward to getting assistance with life stage transitions at various stages of life, your search ends at Living Hope. We are a highly acclaimed team of experts offering NDIS assistance with life stage transitions in Perth.

What does our assistance with managing live stage transitions include?
At Living Hope, we understand how important it is for the participants to get credible and appropriate support during these life stage transitions. Thus, we come up with a wide range of life stage transitions, which include:
  • Moving out of parent’s house for studying or for occupation
  • Starting college
  • Starting or changing jobs
  • Retiring from job
  • Dealing with illness or bereavement
What are the ancillary inclusions of our Assist Life Stage Transitions?
Our Assist life stage transitions would also include the following at different stages of the participants:
  • Supports coordination
  • Assistance with Skill-building
  • Mentorship & peer support
  • Assistance with decision-making and planning
  • Crisis management & resolution
  • Daily budgeting & planning
  • Assistance with accommodation and tenancy rules and obligations
What difference do our Assist Life Stage Transitions make?
Out top quality Assist Life Stage transitions come with the following salient features:
  • Personalised services
  • Free consultations and easy bookings
  • Experienced and skilled staff
  • Improvement of ability to carry out tasks independently
  • Fair pricing and transparent billing
  • Assistance with employment and sustaining the same
  • Providing a Compassionate and supportive environment
Call us at the earliest
Call us to book our service or schedule a meeting with us experts. Or you can write to us to know more about our deliverables.

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