Home Modifications

Assistance with Home Modifications in Perth

Are you looking for customised assistance with home modifications in Perth that will suffice your needs? We at Living Hope have to be your automatic choice. We have in our team, some of the most qualified experts, offering assistance with home modifications to make your life more comfortable, safer and easier.

Thus, when you hire us, our support workers will take into account your custom support needs and the nature of your impairments. Accordingly, you will come up with modifications that will suffice your support and related needs.

Why Choose Our Home Modifications?

At Living Hope, our home modification services come with certain value additions.

  • First, all our home modifications are tailored strictly based on your custom support care and needs.
  • We have liaisons with the best vendors, who are sources of the best raw materials from the most renowned brands.
  • We are highly experienced, background-checked,
  • Our modifications are holistic, which goes a long way to make your life safer and easier.
How Do our things work at Living Hope?

When hired, our support workers will take into account your lifestyle as well as your socioeconomic background. Accordingly, they will assess your living space and determine the modifications that will work the best.

Once determined, we will talk to you and chalk out the master plan of incorporating the modifications. The idea is to ensure that our service never causes any inconvenience to your or your family.

What Our Home Modifications include?

The home modification services we offer include but are not limited to:

  • Construction of hand railing, ramps
  • Widening of doors
  • Installation of slip-proof tiles
  • Maximisation of open space for wheelchair manoeuverability
  • Revamping the lights of toilet and kitchen
  • Installation of low-height toilets
  • Installation of easily accessible appliances
Thus, with such a wide range of modifications available, we are your one stop solution to offer home modifications.
Hire us to have your home modified in the way you want
Call us at the earliest to have your home modified the way you want. Or write to us to know more about us.
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